The game is called softball but the ball is anything but
WB5 skins section
Published on January 1, 2006 By Darkee In WinCustomize Site Issues
Is it possible to setup in the Windowblinds section, a search engine to only find skins for WB5+. If you type WB5 in the search box it only finds a small selection of the WB5 skins on the site.
As I no longer have V4 of WB installed on my system, I am only interested in veiwing and D/L skins that have "Transparent Titlebar and Alpha blending etc" as they are so cool.
Thanks in advance

on Jan 01, 2006
Not unless the person uploading includes WB5 in the title.
on Jan 01, 2006
That is what I thought Sir Lantec.
on Jan 01, 2006
In the IconPackager Section, a small V3 icon appears could this not be possible for WB5